Texts and language, verbalized or written, have been a core component of architectural practice since our formalization into a profession. As a way to elevate and differentiate architecture from other building arts figures like Alberti and Peruzzi utilized writing as a tool to significant effect. The production of treatise and books in those early years has played an important role in our understanding of their world, but also was fundamental to their position within society at the time. Throughout the twentieth century myriad manifestos, tomes, monographs, articles, editorials, theses, and texts of enumerable quantities were produced by architects looking to advertise their services, gain intellectual market share, and position a new way of working. In particular, Rem Koolhaas, Greg Lynn, and Denise Scott Brown have utilized writing as a venue through which to develop an alternative mode of practice; freeing themselves of the constraints of the building market. Today, podcasts, lectures, and viral videos have further connected the profession to society, while other professionals engaged in a dual academic career produce research articles, essays, and books as the core of their professional development. Key moments of the translation of this work into non-english speaking countries has also led to significant dissemination of important ideas and projects, furthering both the canon and field in and inward and exterior movement.